"We're Doing Good Wednesday" -- Great News About Renewables!

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Congratulations America! You are getting greener and smarter about energy every day!   According to the American Energy Society:

·         In 2019, there were 38 days in 2019 when US utilities got more electricity from zero-carbon sources of power (solar, wind and hydro) than from coal.   Around 1 out of 10 days,   Meh.

·         In the first half of 2020, there were 122 days when US utilities got more electricity from zero-carbon sources than from coal!   That is 2 out of 3 days!    Wow!

·         Solar, Wind and Hydro are going to produce more electricity in the US than Coal!    The EIA did not forecast that to happen until 2031 – we’re 10 years ahead of schedule!

Lighthouse is proud to be part of the movement to help customers use less energy, pay less for their energy, and make their own energy to protect the environment!

Click HERE to get your FREE energy analysis scheduled and see how much you can save.  

Click HERE to learn more about the American Energy Society

Chris Smith