Interested in Solar Power?
It all started when…
The ability to generate electricity from sunlight was theoretically demonstrated in 1839, and the first solar “cell” capable of generating measurable amounts of electricity was produced in 1941 – solar power is not a new technology. In the last twenty years, however, the technology has advanced to the point that we are at the start of solar power’s “Golden Age”. The equipment has become so much more efficient, and so much more affordable, that the average homeowner or business owner can now install a solar power system at their site, and generate their own power in a safe, convenient, and financially responsible way.
Those who install solar energy systems at their site are not just energy consumers anymore. They have graduated, and have become energy “prosumers” – they use power that they produce, supplement it when needed with power from the utility grid, and push the excess solar power their system produces back to the grid to help meet their neighbors’ power needs. Between the power they no longer buy from the utility and the excess power they sell to the utility, their power bills go down dramatically, and those savings, along with proper usage of available incentives, allow their solar power system to pay for itself and make them money!
How Solar Power Works…
Only two things are needed to make solar power work: Direct sunlight to produce the power, and a place for the power to go and serve you.
If you have those, some simple equipment will allow you to make your own power:
· solar panels (which absorb the sunlight and produce DC power)
· a way to point the panels so they get the maximum direct sunlight possible
· an inverter (converts the panels' DC power to AC power that we all use)
· a controller (controls the electric current and protects the equipment)
This equipment can commonly produce power for you for 40 years or more, and much of the equipment Lighthouse uses carries a 25-year warranty and a 25-year power production guarantee.
But what about at night - no sunlight, no power, right? How do you keep the lights on at night? Most solar power systems are connected to the utility grid – this allows you to buy power from the utility when your system can’t produce all the power you need, and allows you to sell power to the grid when you make more than you can use at that moment. Energy storage technology is becoming more advanced and cost effective, and we recommend it for energy users who experience more outages or have a utility with policies that don’t pay much for power delivered to the grid. Storage is an idea worth looking at – it stores that excess solar power at your site and allows you to use it when you need it, and can keep your lights on during an extended utility outage. Some solar power “prosumers” will also install a generator to power their needs during an outage.
So, you got this, right? Wait a minute…
Don’t head up to your roof with a roll of wire just yet -- You need an expert to help you do this the right way. A properly designed, equipped, installed and commissioned solar power system will safely produce the amount of power you need, lower your impact on the environment, pay for itself, and pay you a return on your investment in a convenient, effort-free manner. If the system isn’t done correctly, it stands a good chance of wasting your time and money, and may even be unsafe to operate. You may need to remove it and start over!
This is Where Lighthouse Comes In…
We are a team of experts. Our whole job is to help you figure out how much power you need to produce, how much equipment it will take to produce that power, where to place that equipment to get the most return for your investment, how to make sure all of the utility rules and government regulations are followed, and how to take advantage of the available tax credits and utility incentives. We use NABCEP-certified designers and installers (NABCEP is the Gold Standard of solar expertise), and our decades of energy and utility experience allow us to accurately project how much power your system will produce, how much that production will lower your tax bill and your power bills, and how much money your system will save you over it’s lifetime. Don’t try to do all that yourself – we are really good at it, and are waiting for your call.