Use Less, Pay Less, Get More


Every bit of power we use costs us money and has an environmental impact.  

Every bit of power we use costs us money and has an environmental impact. But our comfort, safety and productivity are all important, too – we can’t go back to candles, quill pens, and wood stoves. Fortunately, improving technologies are available to help us maintain or improve the comfort of our homes and businesses while using less power, saving money, and lessening our carbon footprint.   

But which technologies work? Are you better off improving your lighting or your HVAC? Adding insulation? How much would you save?  How would it pay for itself?   

Lighthouse can help – our experts will sit down with you and gather all of the needed information to find the answers to all of these questions, including the comfort level at your site, the cost of your power, the changes you would like to see, and a complete inventory of your lighting and HVAC equipment. Using our proprietary models, we will develop a set of recommended changes with cost, projected savings, all of the incentives available to help you pay for your improvements, and a complete financial analysis of the savings, environmental impacts, and how much return you can expect from your investment.   

Sounds like a lot of work, right?  It must be expensive? There is no cost to develop your energy usage profile, and if you have an energy-efficient home or building, we will tell you so and celebrate your success with you! We aren’t salespeople, we’re energy experts – usually the projects sell themselves, and all we need to do is show you the cost and the benefits and let you make a smart decision. Take a minute and schedule your FREE energy usage profile meeting below – we are looking forward to helping you!

Ian Keefe

Ian Keefe


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