The Wellness Station - Stay Safe, Healthy, and Protected from COVID-19

Are people safe from covid-19 in your building? 

At our core, what Lighthouse excels at is applying technology to make commercial buildings work better. Usually, that means we make your building more comfortable, more energy efficient, and cheaper to operate. But when the threat of COVID-19 became apparent, we started looking at ways to make our customers’ buildings safer, as well.     

When we talked to our customers at the start of the “Stay at Home” orders, all of us agreed that what we needed was a way to help businesses keep the doors open and make everyone feel welcome, while being as sure as possible that everyone in their building was healthy and as protected from the disease as possible — as safe as they would be in their own home.

If people don’t feel safe in your building, they won’t be in your building.

We all want to know that we are safe, but we can’t stay home forever, and masks and social distancing alone aren’t enough. What we need is a way to quickly and conveniently confirm that we are healthy, and that the people around us are, too.

What if everyone who came to your business could just walk up to a device, show it their face, and have it check their temperature in under a second, verify whether or not they are adhering to your policies on mask usage, securely note the temperature check in your records, and alert you and them if anything is wrong?

The Wellness Station Provides:

  • Accurate, No-Touch Temperature Checks and Optional Mask Checks

  • On-Duty 24-Hours/Day, with No Operational Expense

  • High-Temp & No-Mask Alerts Can Be Sent to a Mobile Device

  • Reliable Records - Prove Your Employees & Customers are Healthy

  • Device Holds 30,000 Records and Allows Data Download

  • Upload an “Approved Users” List for Access Control & Personalized Records

  • At $15/hr for a “Temp Checker” employee, the ROI is less than 10 days!

Contact Lighthouse for Pricing

Do you have any questions or feedback? Call Us at 937-709-0098 x701, or send an email using this easy-to-use template. We’re looking forward to talking with you!